Gynae, Laparascopic and Cancer Surgeon


I, Dr. Heena Chawla is a Consultant Gynae Laparoscopic and Cancer Surgeon. I have an illustrious medical career in prestigious Gujarat and Research Institute (GCRI), Ahmedabad. Apart from being actively involved in the various research projects at Gujarat Cancer and Research Institute (GCRI), Ahmedabad, I also hold fellowship in gynae cancer surgery and in advanced laparoscopic gynae surgery from Eva Hospital, Ahmedabad.I was also involved in many Humanitarian Aid Experiences like:

Pulse Polio Immunization: worked as an active participant in the immunization program in the Years 2004 ,2005, 2006.

Community Oncology camps in various parts of Gujarat including Ahmedabad, Dholka, Halol, Patan, Siddhpur, Bharuch ,Vadodra, Gandhinagar, Panchmal, Nadiyad and Jamnagar.



10:30 am - 1:30 pm
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
at Sco 10-11 Sector 8C Madhya Marg, Apollo Clinic, Chandigarh.


Advanced laproscopy like removal of big fibroids,ovarian cysts,endometriosis frozen pelvis, hysterectomy and gynaec cancers. Also specialised in colposcopies and hysteroscopies.


• Received -Dr. T. B. Patel Young Research Scientist Award, 2013 was given for the publication – Risk of Malignancy Index (RMI) for ovarian masses – feasibility & accuracy.
• Award for Excellence in Laparoscopic Gynaec Surgery in Enterpreneur &Excellence Awards Tricity 2018 by 94.3 MY FM


• Invited to give talk on laparoscopic ovarian transposition in gynaecological malignancies at FERTIPROTECT 2019
• Invited speaker at AGOICON 2016 for surgical video presentation on Laparoscopic Radical Hysterectomy & Parametrectomy
• Invited speaker at IMA kaithal, 2016, delivered lecture on interesting cases in gynaec oncology.


1. Role of hysteroscopy in gynaecological problems; AICOG Jaipur 2009.
2. A one year prospective study of incidence of maternal injuries during labour; AICOG Guwhati 2010.
3. Impact of obesity on surgery in gynaecological oncology: West Zone YUVA FOGSI 2011


1. Germ cell tumours in young girls- current management strategies at International Gynaecological Cancer Society Regional Meeting, New Delhi 2011


• Oophoropexy and ovarian bivalving in recurrent ovarian torsion in premenarchial patient:review of the technique. Journal of South Asian Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecology2018;10(4):273-275
• Laparoscopic radical hysterectomy with lymphadenectomy in cervical cancer :our technique and experience. European journal of Gynaecological Oncology, XL,n.3,2019
• Laparoscopic Radical Parametrectomy: An Alternative for Cervical or Endometrial Carcinoma After Hysterectomy. Indian Journal Of Gynecologic oncology, 13(1), 1-6
• Vesicocutaneous Fistula after Radical Surgery and Radiotherapy in Carcinoma Cervix: A Rare Case Report
• Risk Of Malignancy Index (RMI) For Ovarian Masses: Feasibility And Accuracy: original article received Dr. T.B. Patel young research scientist award 2013
• Post Hysterectomy a Rare Case of Large Solid Retroperitoneal Pelvic Leiomyoma: case report
• Primary Mucinous Adenocarcinoma of Appendix Presenting as Ovarian Mass: case report
• Primary Fallopian Tube Carcinoma, Presenting as Uterine Malignancy: case report
• The Impact of Obesity on Surgery in Gynaecologic Oncology: Our Experience: original article


Indian Association of gynaecological endoscopists(IAGE)
• Federation of Obstetric & Gynecological Societies of India (FOGSI)
• Association of Gynec-Oncologist of India (AGOI)
• Indian Medical Association (IMA)
• Chandigarh Obstetric & Gynaec Society(COGS)